Representing a PLC using CGAL's LCC package

After completing an exercise on representing a cube using CGAL’s linear cell complex(or LCC), I now come back to my original problem. Given a set of points and triangles in a (say PLY) file, I need to generate the corresponding LCC representation. I will break down this task into following:

  1. For each edge in each triangle get a handle to the triangle sharing that edge.
  2. Compute the sewable dart pairs (d1, d2) from both triangles.
  3. Call sew<2>(d1, d2) to 2-sew d1 and d2.
    One point that I can think of to reduce apparant computation complexity is to remove a triangle from the set once it has been found to be linked with 2 triangles. Since in manifold surfaces a triangle will be connected at most with 2 other triangles only. Further, any of its segment can at most be connected with one other triangle only.
Written on 22 Feb 2015